An effective website is important in enticing potential customers in this internet world. A
large section of customers uses the website as the first point of contact with the business. So a business must get this right in every way. That helps build a good relationship with
customers and develop brand loyalty.
Coming to the websites, the priority is to create an attractive and friendly design. But, this
should not be your only concern. Personalization plays a crucial role in improving the
customer experience. Personalization does not mean only targeted advertising and tailored
suggestions; it means more. A critical thing in personalization is language. Having a website and content in a local language is important. That is because it shows that the business cares for its customers. They are ready to go the extra mile in enhancing customer experience.
The business benefits as there is more cross-border e-commerce and globalization. A
multi-language website can transform your business. It also helps in staying ahead of the
competition. Read below to learn more about translating your website is important. It also
explains how to translate it into various languages.
Why you should translate your website into other languages
- Reaching a wider audience
A multi-language website can help reach a wider audience. Only a small percentage of
internet users are native English speakers. So it is time to cater to the other section of the
population too. By translating your website to more languages, you open your business to
them. A business can reach a huge new customer base and improve its profits and sales.
Also, in many countries, people speak more than one language. By having English and a local language, you can reach both internationally and domestically.
● Improve conversion rate
As per some surveys, foreign customers who visit your site exit. That is because the content is not in their native language. So to reduce this bounce rate, going multilingual is the key. The conversion rate can increase when the customers find content in their language. Because they feel confident about the buy, there can be a boost in conversion.
● Better SEO
The success of your website and your business depends on the ranking of SERPs. The higher the rank on Search Engine Result Pages, SERPs more customers are likely to see the website. If you want to rank higher in local or international SEO, then the key is to translate the content into many languages.
● Is more customer-centric
Translating content and website as per need is a big way of personalization. That enables
businesses to secure more customers as it is user-friendly. When website visitors find quality content in their language, they feel happy. That can translate to better commercial success. Especially if the same is not seen on your competitor’s websites.
● Boosts brand image
Businesses have to use many ways to impress their customers. A multilingual site is one of
the ways. A site in many languages shows that you have a global business. It implies a
degree of sophistication and reliability. That reflects well in your customer’s books and will
look to associate with your business.
How to translate the website into other languages?
Translation of the website is no longer done using a human translator. Website translations
use technology, especially neural machine translation, NMT, and AI. New digital tools using
the above technology takes care of translating the websites. A human translator edits
sections or documents which need special attention. With better advancements, the job of
translators is going to shift. It will be working on editing and reviewing sections after
translation using machines.
While many businesses use free website translator tools, it is not enough. Most of these
translators do a good job but are not good enough to attract customers. The automatic
translation is not precise, and Google is one of the best examples. It provides the option of
translating websites into the language the user wants. But it is a conversion that is for
information only. If you want a solid business presence worldwide, use professional web
translation services for better results. They provide many types of translation services, as
Types of translation services
A website translation includes both asynchronous and synchronous translation. There are
four major groups of translations.
1. The multimedia translation services
It converts the audio and video content on the website. Translation of video and audio clips
of training, entertainment, etc., comes under this. It is an asynchronous translation service.
2. Text
Another asynchronous translation service is text. Blogs, emails, documents, product info,
and web content come under this category.
3. Real-time multimedia
It is different from the above as these are conversions of video and phone meetings. These
meetings can be many to many or one on one. It is part of the synchronous translation
4. Online customer support
This is a synchronous translation service. Here the translation of customer support and sales content takes place. It can be a translation of chatbots, answering real-time queries, orsolving tickets.
Use a professional translator or a third-party tool to perform the above. They usually offer
the following services:
● Computer-assisted translation, CAT is a tool where a machine translates text. Human
translators edit it. Based on the feedback and other data, the tools learn to translate
complex content on the website. Its use is in the translation of video captions.
● Neural machine translation is another service that uses algorithms and software. It
substitutes the words from the website with a new language. It tries to offer the
same meaning as much as possible. It translates simple web content, emails, or
● Translation services provide services for translating dynamic website content. It
retains the original structure in the translated language. It extracts content as well as
keeps the formatting.
● Services like extracting and transforming content from source documents to different
formats. For instance, services can create a summary for a PDF document on the
translated website.
If you do translate website, it needs to undergo a thorough review. It includes checks on
translations, measurements, currency, and more. Removal of spelling errors, grammar, and
cultural taboo phrases is part of the review. The process should check that it maintains the
original messaging and its spirit.
A multilingual website looks daunting, but it is not an arduous task. It can be done
seamlessly with a good tool. That can take your business to the next level of growth. Once
you see success with your translated website, you will regret not having it.