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HomeTech newsTech layoffs: Yahoo to slash 20% of its workforce

Tech layoffs: Yahoo to slash 20% of its workforce

Yahoo is set to lay off 15% of its workforce, amounting to nearly 2,000 employees. The move comes as the company looks to streamline its operation and focus on its core businesses. The layoffs are expected to occur across all departments and will be announced officially in the coming weeks. This latest round of cuts follows a similar move last year when Yahoo cut around 1,000 jobs. For a company that was once one of the most dominant names in tech, these layoffs are yet another sign of tough times ahead. But what does this mean for the employees who are left behind? And what does it say about the future of Yahoo? Let’s take a closer look. For Yahoo employees who are left in the aftermath of these layoffs, there may be a lot of uncertainty. The company has made it clear that they will be focusing their resources on fewer areas, so it is likely that those who remain with the company will undergo a period of transition and adjustment.

How to Cope With Job Loss During a Difficult Time

Losing a job can be an incredibly difficult experience, and it can be hard to know where to begin in terms of dealing with the immediate situation. Here are some tips for navigating this tough time:

  • Acknowledge Your Feelings: It is normal to feel overwhelmed, sad or even angry when you lose your job. Allow yourself to feel these emotions and express them in a healthy way.
  • Reach Out for Support: Surround yourself with supportive people who can help you through this time. This could mean leaning on family members and close friends, or seeking out professional support from a therapist, career coach, or life coach.
  • Take Care of Yourself: It is important to take time for yourself and do activities that bring you joy. This could include taking a walk, journalism, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.
  • Create Structure: Having a regular routine can help give you a sense of purpose during this uncertain period.

Advice for Those Affected by Layoffs at Yahoo and Other Companies

For those who were affected by Yahoo’s latest round of layoffs, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Many other companies in the tech industry have also announced layoffs, and many employees are facing similar struggles. Here is some advice for coping with job loss:

  • Stay Active: Keeping busy can help take your mind off of the job loss and boost your well being. Try to find a new hobby, take up a sport, or volunteer in your community.
  • Seek Professional Help: Look for resources from organizations such as career counseling centers or local job networks that can help you identify potential opportunities.
  • Network: Stay in touch with your former colleagues, as they may be able to connect you with new opportunities. Additionally, reach out to professionals in the industry who could provide valuable advice and guidance.
  • Think Positively: It can be easy to get overwhelmed when job searching, but try to stay positive and remember that this is only a temporary setback.

Ways to Find New Opportunities After Losing Your Job

When you’ve lost your job, it can be difficult to know where to begin in terms of looking for new opportunities. Here are some tips for finding a new position:

  • Update Your Social Media Profiles: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and reflects any recent skills or experience. Additionally, consider creating accounts on other social media platforms such as Instagram or Twitter that showcase your professional accomplishments.
  • Research Companies: Get to know the companies you are interested in and look for insider tips or connections. This could involve attending events, signing up for industry newsletters, or even reaching out to past employees.
  • Reach Out to Recruiters: Contact recruitment firms that specialize in the industry you want to work in and let them know you are interested in new opportunities.
  • Update Your Resume: Make sure your resume is current and includes any recent accomplishments or skills you have acquired.
  • Take Advantage of Online Resources: Utilize online job boards such as Indeed or Glass door to search for positions that may be a good fit for you. Additionally, consider attending virtual job fairs or webinars in your industry to learn about available opportunities.
  • Stay Persistent: Don’t give up when job searching. Keep applying and networking until you find the right position.


Losing your job can be a stressful and scary experience. It is important to remember that you are not alone and there are people who can help you through this difficult time. By taking care of yourself, reaching out for support, acknowledging your feelings, and taking steps to find new opportunities, you will be able to get back on your feet and find the job that’s right for you.




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