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The importance of video in your marketing strategy

Within the content marketing, it is very important within the strategy to constantly reinvent oneself, and this also refers to the formats, it is necessary to update, if at this moment the fashionable format is audiovisual, it will be necessary to generate content in video format or image.

What is video marketing?

As its name indicates, video marketing consists of an online marketing strategy that is mainly based on the use of the audiovisual image to achieve different objectives within the marketing strategy that we are carrying out. Simply, what it implies is to add video to your content strategy.

If you are going to choose to add video in your strategy, you must do it with quality videos, you cannot record anything with whatever material without prior planning, it will not work. Creating quality videos will be a big investment of time and effort, but it will be worth it. But people can buy video footage if they want. For your info, you can use this Artgrid Discount Code to get 2 months free stock video footage.

Data that proves the importance of video marketing

If there is both video and text on your website, 80% of the traffic will focus on watching the video, and only 20% will read the text content that you have included on your page. Which proves that videos are much more attractive to users than text.

According to several studies carried out by groups such as Forbes Insight, Online Publishers, etc., it is concluded that the interactions made by users through a video greatly multiply the feedback, which in the long run improves the relationship between the customer and brand.

90% of users affirm that videos help them positively to make the purchase decision, that is, when a brand includes video, they are more likely to decide to consume your products or services.

52% of users also affirm that the videos created by their own brand of their products increase their confidence in the product when making the decision to buy it.

On the other hand, 64% of users who watch a video before purchasing a product, decide to purchase it.

Why is it important to use video in my strategy?

– Think of the competition

– If your competition uses video marketing, you should use it too, and much more after all the positive data that we have thrown in the previous point. If you don’t add video to your content strategy and your competition does, it is clear that you will achieve better results. But who wouldn’t use the video after reading this post?

More attractive format

When we transmit a message through a video, we are transmitting a large number of words and with it information, all this in much less time than if we transmitted them in any other format. But what about the audio? With audio we also transmit a large number of words in a short time, but we do not have a video support to make it easier for the user to understand those words, thanks to the video the user can relax more and will find out better about everything by having visual images that your brain processes better and faster than text or audio.

Convert more

If a user appears on our website with the intention of meeting a need thanks to our products but still has doubts, add video! It is much more credible and gives more confidence to be able to see the product you intend to purchase on video. We can even include within this video a tutorial on how to use the product itself or the advantages it is going to bring us in our lives.

Improve positioning

When it comes to positioning your website, Google always rewards quality, the fact that you have included the video in your content strategy implies that you have invested time and effort in creating it and for this reason it rewards you by placing yourself in the top positions within the search engines . Videos, as we have already seen, are a more attractive format for the audience itself, so users will share more, which continues to help us within our SEO positioning strategy.

Increase engagement

As we just noted, videos generate much more interaction than an image or text can create. Therefore, all the publications and posts that include video within your social media will have many more interactions than those that do not include any type of audiovisual content.

Video can help you improve your marketing strategy to a great extent, not only will your users like it more, but you will increase engagement within social networks, increase ROI and improve your SEO positioning, among many other advantages.



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