We’ve all heard of dark matter and dark energy, but what are they really? In this blog post, we’ll explore the science behind these mysterious phenomena. From theories on their origins to current research, read on to learn more about the strange things that make up our Universe.
Dark matter and dark energy remain two of the most mysterious aspects of our Universe. Researchers have theorized about their origins and effects for years, but there is still much unknown about these strange phenomena. In this blog post, we’ll explore the science behind dark matter and dark energy. From theories on their origins to current research, read on to learn more about the strange things that make up our Universe.
How much of the universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy?
It’s a pretty good question, and one that scientists are still trying to answer. Our best estimates right now put the amount of dark matter in the universe at around 27%. As for dark energy, it makes up a whopping 68% of the universe.
Why is this? Well, scientists aren’t quite sure. One of the big questions in cosmology right now is what, exactly, dark energy is.
How Much of Each is Out There?
It’s a good question. And the answer is we don’t really know. That’s because, as the name suggests, dark matter and dark energy are both pretty mysterious.
But here’s what we do know scientists have been able to make some pretty good estimates of how much of each is out there. Based on these estimates, it seems that dark energy makes up about 68% of the universe, while dark matter accounts for about 27%.
So what does that leave for everything else? Well, “everything else” includes things like stars, planets, galaxies and all the other stuff that we can see with our telescopes. That stuff only adds up to about 5% of the universe.
So there you have it most of the universe is made up of things that we can’t see or even detect directly. Pretty mind boggling, huh?
The difference between dark matter and dark energy
It is still a mystery what dark matter and dark energy actually are, but scientists have some theories. One theory is that dark matter is made up of hypothetical particles that do not interact with light or any other form of electromagnetic radiation, while dark energy is thought to be the energy associated with the vacuum of empty space.
Another theory suggests that dark matter is made up of exotic particles that only interact gravitation ally, while dark energy could be a new form of energy that is pushing against gravity and causing the universe to expand at an accelerated rate.
Whatever they are it is clear that dark matter and dark energy make up a very large percentage of the universe. Scientists estimate that dark matter makes up about 27% of the universe, while dark energy makes up 68%. This leaves just 5% of the universe consisting of “normal” matter, like stars, planets and galaxies.
How much dark matter and dark energy is out there?
There is currently no consensus on how much dark matter and dark energy is out there. Estimates range from a few percent to over ninety percent of the total mass energy budget of the Universe. The most widely accepted model, Lambda
In terms of the mass energy distribution of the Universe, current observations suggest that around 84% is in the form of dark energy, 15% is in the form of dark matter, and just 1% is in the form of ordinary matter. These proportions are subject to change as our understanding of the Universe evolves.CDM, suggests that around 27% of the Universe is made up of dark matter, with the remainder being made up of dark energy and baryon matter. This model is not without its problems, and it is possible that the true proportions could be very different.
We don’t really know how much dark matter and dark energy is out there. All we can do is make educated guesses based on the evidence we have. Even though we don’t know for sure, that doesn’t mean we should give up on trying to find out. After all, the more we learn about the universe, the more awe-inspiring it becomes.