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HomeNewsBiden Slams Putin For ‘Welcomed With Open Arms’

Biden Slams Putin For ‘Welcomed With Open Arms’

Vice President Joe Biden took to Twitter to slam Russian President Vladimir Putin for his “welcomed with open arms” policy of Syrian refugees. Biden, who is in Lebanon meeting with regional leaders about the refugee crisis, said Putin’s approach “will not work” and called for a “thorough and robust” response from the international community. Putin has defended his decision to allow in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, arguing that the country is already struggling with an influx of Moldovan, Georgians, and Ukrainians. The United States has been outspoken in its opposition to Assad’s rule and has advocated for a no fly zone over Syria. However, some have argued that imposing a safe zone would exacerbate the refugee crisis.

Biden Calls for More Sanctions Against Russia

In a speech on Thursday, Biden called for more sanctions against Russia, saying that Putin has not responded to international concerns about the country’s military aggression in Ukraine. “President Putin and his allies have chosen to pursue a path of confrontation and domination,” Biden said. ” Vladimir Putin and his government welcome President Obama’s call for additional sanctions, but they should be forthcoming about their own intentions and take concrete steps to deescalate the situation.”

Biden also called on Obama to provide lethal aid to Ukrainian forces battling Russian backed rebels. The United States has so far refused to provide such assistance, citing concerns about possible civilian casualties as well as Moscow’s meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

Biden Warns of a New Cold War with Russia

In a speech at the Munich Security Conference on Friday, Biden warned of a new Cold War with Russia. “Since [Putin] took office, he’s rebuilding the Soviet Union,” Biden said. “He’s rebuilding Russia’s military. He’s rebuilding Russia’s nuclear capability.”

Biden also criticized Putin for Supporting Syrian President Bash al Assad, who is responsible for widespread human rights abuses and has been blamed for using chemical weapons against civilians. “[Putin] is not going to be happy with me when I say this, but I believe he would have more respect for the United States if we were leading an effort with other countries in the region to get Assad out,” he said.

Joe Biden: Putin Is an ‘Old KGB Man’

Joe Biden has labeled Russian President Vladimir Putin an “old KGB man” and said he is “welcomed with open arms” by the European Union. Speaking at a press conference in Estonia on Thursday, Biden criticized Putin for Russia’s recent annexation of Crimea and its support of separatists in eastern Ukraine. He also claimed that Putin is responsible for suppressing political dissent and interfering in other countries’ elections. The former vice president said that the United States must work together with the EU to oppose Putin’s actions.

Joe Biden: The US Needs to Keep Up the Pressure on Russia

Joe Biden hit back at Vladimir Putin on Sunday, saying the U.S. must continue to put pressure on Russia to change its behavior in Ukraine.

“Russia’s violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is not only a breach of international law but an affront to the fundamental interests of the Russian people,” Biden said in a statement issued by the White House. “We must keep up the pressure on Russia until it fully implements the Minsk agreements and returns control of Crimea to Ukraine.”

Biden’s statement comes after Putin welcomed Ukrainian president Pietro Yevtushenko with open arms at his Black Sea resort, where they discussed ways to move forward on peace talks between Kiev and Moscow backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.


Vice President Joe Biden slammed Russian President Vladimir Putin for his “welcomed with open arms” attitude towards the Assad regime, saying that Moscow is “complicit in a murdering regime.” Biden also called for more sanctions against Russia, warning of a new Cold War.



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