5 elements that go into delivering a high-quality website


Have you ever considered what goes into making a good quality website? It isn’t about getting one or two things right, but a combination of factors that are important. This guide looks into some key elements that go into delivering a high-quality website.

Must Be Relevant And Contextual

Quality content is purposeful, original and well optimised for things readers are looking for rather than just for the sake of putting it on a computer screen. People want to look for your content because it is both relevant and contextual to their particular needs. How can you deliver this kind of content?

  • Identify the main queries and needs of your target audience.
  • Find out what interests them from a reading perspective.
  • Write content that can correctly address those needs.
  • Create topics and context, rather than simply stuffing in keywords.

If you are able to create content that is relevant to your target audience, Google will recognise this, and in turn will reward you with a higher search engine ranking.

Add Images And Videos To Develop More Engaging Content

It’s no secret that visual images hold attention much more than just written words. Capitalise on this knowledge by making sure you add videos and images to develop more engaging content for your website. Here’s what you can do:

  • Make sure your images and videos are relevant to the content you’re driving to create enhanced engagement with your readers.
  • Add videos and images to your blog posts for better reader engagement.
  • Make sure the images and videos have quick load times for a better user experience.

Highly engaging content is always rewarded by Google, so make sure you pay close attention to how you can develop this for your website.

Pay Close Attention To Your Spelling And Grammar

As basic as these elements sound, you’ll be surprised at how many websites overlook them. Without these fundamentals in place, you could end up hurting your website rankings without knowing it.

Spelling And Grammar
Photo: TechNewUK.com

Here’s what you should know:

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes show your customers that you are careless with your content, which does not inspire confidence in them.
  • Websites with poor content, grammar and spellings have higher bounce rates.
  • Google and other search engines look down on poorly written content and will penalise you in the form of lower rankings.
  • Well-written and flawless content gives you an air of professionalism, and shows that you pay attention to quality.

Search engines have sophisticated tools and can identify poorly written content easily, so make sure you pay close attention to your spellings and grammar, in addition to the topics and relevance of the content you place on your website. If possible, hire a professional writer and editor to make sure that only high-quality content goes up on your pages.

Focus On Easy Website Readability

Readers easily get put off by technical and hard-to-understand content, which again puts you at a disadvantage. Here’s what you can do:

  • Writer shorter, crisper sentences and paragraphs.
  • Use active verb forms for enhanced readability.
  • Limit the fluff and use of adjectives and adverbs.
  • Utilise the Flesh Kincaid reading ease formula before letting it go live on your website.
  • Write in language that readers understand, and limit the use of technical jargons.

Readability refers to the ease in which your content is easily understood. If you are able to master these key readability factors, you’ll rank higher in Google and other search engines.

Bring Social Media Into The Fold

Social media is transforming the way businesses operate, so don’t forget to add this element to your overall strategy for delivering a high-quality website. Social media has the power to boost your rankings because it enhances engagement and expands your reader base without a major investment on your part. Here’s how you can bring social media into the fold:

  • Create social media pages on platforms your readers are most interested in.
  • Add these social media links to all pieces of content to your website.
  • Encourage people to share your content on their social pages for greater user engagement.
  • Inspire reviews and comments so that your content reaches more people on social media.
  • Write content relevant to each social media platform for the best results.
  • Add images, videos and infographics to encourage more social media shares.

Content high in quality usually gets shared more than others – exactly what you’re looking to achieve. At the end of the day, the greater number of social media shares you’re able to generate, the greater will be your search engine ranking.

Every element is key to boosting the quality of your website, so don’t take them for granted. The ultimate goal is to make your website so exciting that people not only want to read its content, but also want to buy your products and services.

If you have worked hard to create a website, enhanced it with coming soon pages, implemented author boxes, accepted guest posts, and so on, I am sure you want to see that same website succeed. Achieving that might be tough, but it is definitely worth it!


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